jeudi 10 novembre 2016

Legalization of Cannabis

Trump is president, but the Americans cannabis to console

California has adopted the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, as in Amsterdam. Far from being the first US state to vote on this measure, it follows the footsteps of Oregon, Alaska, Washington State and Colorado. In the latter, the experience of legalization was a clear success. Since its inception in 2014, crime has plummeted, tourism has become a charm, and tax revenues are rising steadily, so much so that the state should return some of this income to its citizens!
Concretely, adults over the age of 21 will be allowed to walk with 28 grams of beuh on them (1 ounce) and to grow up to six plants at home, far from prying eyes. Nearly one in five Americans is affected by legalization, enough to make the pill pass after the election of Donald Trump.

In Florida, the organized referendum decided to authorize cannabis for medical purposes only. This, however, represents a frank symbolic advance, insofar as Florida is the first state of the South (usually more conservative) to adopt such a provision.

1 commentaire:

  1. Fortunately, in France, the governors thought it wise to preserve the inhabitants of this scourge. Free whoever wants to poison himself to do it, but illegally. Phew!
